
Hakopyan Viktoria




Since 2021 - postgraduate student in the field of training Ժ.00.00 Philological Sciences, Ժ.02.00 Linguistics, specializing in Ժ.02.04 Slavic Languages ​​(Russian language) at the Russian-Armenian University (Yerevan, Armenia).
2013-2015 - Master's degree in Philology, specializing in Theory, History of the Ukrainian Language and Comparative Studies at the National University of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine).
2009-2013 - Bachelor's degree in Philology at the National University of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Work experience:

Since September 2021 - Russian language teacher at the Educational and Sports Complex of Gazprom Armenia CJSC; Yerevan, Armenia.
From 2017 to the present – ​​Lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Professional Communication at the Institute of Humanities of the Russian-Armenian University; Yerevan, Armenia.
From 2017 to 2019 – Laboratory Assistant at the Department of Russian Language and Professional Communication at the Institute of Humanities of the Russian-Armenian University; Yerevan, Armenia.
From 2014 to 2016 – Assistant to the Commercial Director of SCA Hygiene Ukraine; Kyiv, Ukraine.
From 2010 to 2014 – Assistant to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy; Kyiv, Ukraine.

Specialization: Russian as a foreign language, Ukrainian as a foreign language, gender linguistics, IT technologies and tools in teaching. Courses taught:
Introduction to the theory of communication and ICC (lectures and seminars).
Teaching RFL in Russian language courses for foreigners.
  1. Fundamentals of linguistics (conducting seminars).
  2. Introduction to linguistics (conducting seminars).
  3. Modern Russian language. Vocabulary (conducting seminars).
  4. Teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language (elective classes).

Continuing education:

May 14, 2021 – Certificate for participation in the International webinar "Using information technologies in teaching RFL"; Russian-Armenian University, Yerevan, Armenia.
April 2021 – Certificate for participation in the III International student online conference "Linguistic and cultural studies: the homeland through the eyes of a student" and supervision of the work of the Chinese student Wang Pengjie, who presented the report (studying the Russian language courses at RAU); Russian-Armenian University, Yerevan, Armenia; Engineering Academy of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia; Center for Russian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India.
December 2020 – Certificate for participation in the events "Russics without Borders" within the framework of the project "Scientific and Methodological Vector of Russian Studies" with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (in the amount of 32 academic hours); ADPO "Institute of Continuous Education", Moscow, Russia.
November 2020 – Certificate of participant in the project "Scientific and Methodological Vector of Russian Studies": webinar "Methodological Etudes", video conference "From Traditions to Innovations", video lecture "Game Technologies", master class "Russian Language Lesson with a Plus Sign" (in the amount of 16 academic hours); ADPO "Institute of Continuous Education", Moscow, Russia; Russian-Armenian University, Yerevan, Armenia.
August-September 2020 – Certificate for completing French 101 (TOPPER Course of 24 hours) with “A” grade. Organized by TrainTurf (Vancouver, Canada).
September-October 2019 – Certificate of advanced training in the additional professional program “Current Issues of Modern Linguistics” (36 academic hours); Russian-Armenian University, Yerevan, Armenia.
March 14-16, 2018 – Certificate of training ICT 17 009772 (registration number 1600/9772) in the additional professional education program “World Systems of Lingvodidactic Testing and Language Teaching: Methods and Technologies” (34 academic hours); Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
November 19, 2016 – Certificate of advanced training 772404834372 (registration number 13-21/2453) in the additional professional program “Russian language in the educational space of the CIS countries” (24 academic hours); A.S. Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language, Moscow, Russia.
March 24, 2015 – Certificate for participation in a corporate training seminar for SCA HYGIENE UKRAINE LLC “Adizes Problem Solving” (Problem Solving in Teams Using the Methodology of Ichak Adizes); SCA HYGIENE UKRAINE LLC, Kiev, Ukraine.
July 21 – August 10, 2014 – Certificate for participation in the 37th International Summer Seminar on Bulgarian Language and Culture and successful completion of the Bulgarian language exam at level A1 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; Veliko Tarnovo University “St. St. Cyril and Methodius”, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. June 28, 2013 – Certificate No. 1931 for mastering the curriculum of the NaUKMA certificate program “Translation Studies”; National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Scientific interests

  • Linguistics; Slavic languages; Russian as a foreign language; Ukrainian as a foreign language; Gender studies; IT technologies and tools in teaching.

List of publications

  • Акопян В.В. Гендерная репрезентация категории «феминности» на материале украинского, болгарского и русского языков. / Научно-методический журнал «Проблемы современной русистики». Выпуск 2. – АГПУ им. Х. Абовяна, Ереван, 2016. – 99-106 с.

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