
Kazaryan Hasmik

Senior Lecturer


Education - Specialty
1985-1990 EGPIRIYA named after V.Ya. Bryusov, diploma with honors
2004 Research and teaching internship at the European University Viadrina, economic and legal German, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany
2012-2017 study at the Postgraduate School of the State University named after V.Ya. Bryusova
2014 DAAD Research Study (German Academic Exchange Service) Scholarship, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Germany
2003 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​/ German Language Diploma level C2 (KDS)
2002 Higher Education Diploma /Hochschulzertifikat, Munich, Germany

Work Experience
1997-2001 Armenian Agricultural Academy
2019-2022 State University of Economics of Armenia
2006 to present CDO RAU
2007 to present - Goethe Institute Animator
2023 to present Goethe Institute, "Sprache und Kultur" project
2017 to present - Goethe Institute International Examiner
2001 to present - French University in Armenia
2013 to present -Russian-Armenian University
2024 to present- DAAD Ambassador to Armenia

Linguist, teacher, animator, trainings for teachers and lecturers

Taught disciplines
"Methodology of the German language", "Practical course of the first and second foreign language", "German as a foreign language", "Workshop on the culture of speech communication"

Advanced training
  1. International conference of Germanists FaDaF, Chemnitz, Germany, 2019
  2. Regional seminar at the Goethe Institute of Georgia: "Methodology for developing educational materials and implementing the developed programs in Armenia", 2019
  3. Conference at the Technical University of Darmstadt: "Multilingualism in the educational space", Darmstadt, Germany, 2022
  4. Advanced training seminar of the Kornelsen publishing house: Topic: Linguistic and pedagogical concepts multilingualism, Darmstadt, Germany, 2022
  5. FaDaF Seminars German as a Foreign Language “Corpus Linguistics”, Goettingen, Germany, 2022
  6. Goethe Institute Advanced Training Program for Animators: “Learning to Teach German”, Module 6: DLL6 Program Requirements and Lesson Planning “
  7. Advanced Training: Chat GPT&fobizz KI-Assistance in your Department, Hamburg, Germany, 2023
  8. Webinar: Activities in the Language School. Inspiration for teaching and online learning, 2023
  9. Symposium "Language in the Digital World", Munich, Germany, 2022
  10. Goethe Institute Advanced Training Program for Animation Methodologists: "Learning to Teach German", Module 5: DLL 5 Learning and Learning, 2022
  11. XVII International Congress of German Language Teachers, Vienna, Austria, 2022. Topic of the paper: Textual and Activity Competence in Teaching German in Armenia.
  12. VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "German Studies in the Modern Scientific Space", Kuban State University, report, 2022
Report topic: Text sorting for the development of text competence at the university level in Armenia. Types of text for the development of text competence in the university context in Armenia.
  1. International Conference "Development and Research of Textbooks and Materials for Teaching German", Jena, Germany, 2022
  2. Conference of German Language Teachers: Innovative Textbooks, Yerevan, 2022
  3. Participation in the annual conference at the Russian-Armenian University, 2022, Yerevan. Report topic: Activity-based approach for the formation of key competencies in linguistic students.
  4. As part of my activities as a methodologist-animator, I held a seminar to improve the qualifications of teachers in Armenia.
Topic: Activity-based approach in teaching, 2022
  1. Symposium "Language in the Digital World", Munich, Germany, 2022
  2. Interregional round table "How do artificial intelligence and digital technologies help in learning foreign languages?", organized by the Department of German and French Philology of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 2022. Topic of the report: Formation of intercultural competence of students based on the texts of job advertisements
  3. As part of my activities as a methodologist-animator, I conducted a professional development seminar for teachers and lecturers of Armenia, Topic: "Unterricht aktiv gestalten: Teilnehmeraktivierende und kooperative metoden im Präsenz-und Onlineunterricht" in the blended learning format/Blended learning, Yerevan, 2023
  4. International conference, association German teachers of Armenia, 2023
  5. Conducted a workshop for representatives of German-speaking countries at an international conference in Vienna, Austria, 2023. Seminar topic: Bewerbungstextsorten
  6. International conference at Yerevan State University, 2023. Presentation topic: Begriffsbestimmung der Schlüsselkompetenzen den Stellenanzeigen im Vergleich zur Russischen und Armenischen Terminologie
  7. Generative neural networks in teaching, scientific research, linguistics and translation, NArFU named after Lomonosov, Gomel, Belarus, Arkhangelsk
Interactive Teaching with Digital Media. „With digital media interactively“, 14.10.2024-08.12.2024
  1. Culture Elements in German Language Teaching/ Cultural Elements in German Language Teaching, 24.11.2024, Yerevan, Goethe-Institut
  2. Smart Learning: How KI Tools Help Students Learn German! Webinar, Hueber Publishing, 2024
  3. Webinar, KI at FU: New Ways to Learn Differently and Self-Standingly! Hueber Publishing House, 20242024
  4. Webinar,, Meeting in Conversation, Hueber Publishing House, 2024
  5. Webinar, The Proofs of Goethe and Telc. What do you think of the Unterschied?, Hueber Publishing House, 2024
  6. Participation in the annual conference at the Russian-Armenian University, 2024, Yerevan. Topic of the paper: The category "Author" in the text of "Stellenanzeige" from a purely scientific point of view. 
  7. Seminar "Austria-Tag in Armenia", State University named after Bryusova, Yerevan, 2024
  8. Annual jubilee conference, Zukunftskompetenzen/Future Competences FaDaF, Gottingen, Germany, 2024

Scientific interests

  • Foreign language methodology
  • Linguistics and typology of text
  • Pragmatics
  • Comparative linguistics
  • Intercultural communication
  • Digital learning
  • Искусственный интелект в обучении

List of publications

  • Analyse von Fachtexten im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Thesehband/ Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer/Graz/Österreich, 2005, Graz, S.222
  • Normen-und Wertbegriffe im Anforderungsprofil deutscher Unternehmen, untersucht anhand von Stellenanzeigen in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung. 2007: Normen- und Wertbegriffe in der Verständigung zwischen Ost-und Westeuropa. Akten der internationalen Arbeitstagung, 27./28. Februar 2006 in Jena.Frankfurt am Main u.a.:Lang, S.82-97.
  • Vermittlung von Normen-und Wertbegriffen durch interkulturelles Lernen und der Wertbegriff „Interkulturelle Kompetenz“. 2009: Europa und seine Werte. Akten der internationalen Arbeitstagung „Normen-und Wertbegriffe in der Verständigung zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa“, 03./04. April 2008 in Lublin, Polen. Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Lang. S. 254-260.
  • Die Wertbegriffe „Gerechtigkeit“, „Wahrheit“, „Toleranz“ in Bezug auf interkulturelles Lernen. 2010: Wahrheit, Recht, Verantwortung. Normen- und Wertbegriffe im interkulturellen Raum. Bukarest. (GGR-Beiträge zur Germanistik; 25), S.173-190
  • Normen-und Wertbegriffe im Anforderungsprofil deutscher Unternehmen im Kontrast zur russischen und armenischen Terminologie. Сборник тезисов международной конференции, Йена, Германия, 2011. Analyse von Fachtexten im Fremdsprachenunterricht. Thesehband/ Internationale Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer/Graz/Österreich, 2005, Graz, S.222
  • Աշխատատեղի հայտարարությունների վերլուծություն հայերենում և գերմաներենում¦ Сборник научных статей: Социально-гуманитарные науки.– Ер.: Изд-во РАУ, 2015 : стр. 297-303
  • Աշխատատեղի հայտարարությունների գործառույթները տեքստի տիպաբանության համակարգում¦:2015: Bulletin of Yerevan «Bryusov» State University of Languages and Social Sciences 1 (32), S. 271-281
  • “Развитие межкультурной компетенции на материале объявлений о вакансии” Сборник научных статей: Социально-гуманитарные науки.– Ер.: Изд-во РАУ, 2017. Часть II. – 600 с.
  • „Stellenanzeigen zur Förderung von Textkompetenz im universitären Bereich in Armenien“. Материалы VI Международной научно-практической конференции, Германистика в современном научном пространстве, Краснодар, 2020, стр. 39-45.
  • Միջտեքստայնության կիրառումը աշխատատեղի հայտարարություններում, XIII годичная научная конференция. Сборник научных статей. Ереван: Издательство РАУ, 2019, стр.303-308
  • „Прагматические особенности объявлений о найме“, XIV годичная научная конференция. Сборник научных статей. Ереван: Издательство РАУ, 2020, стр.258-264
  • Intertextuelle Aspekte in der Textsorte „Stellenanzeige”.Материалы VII Международной научно-практической конференции Германистика в современном научном пространстве, Краснодар, 2021, стр. 32- 38.
  • Bewerbungstextsorten zur Förderung der Textkompetenz im universitären Bereich in Armenien. Материалы VII Международной научно-практической конференции Германистика в современном научном пространстве, Краснодар, 2022, стр. 36-45
  • Textsortenkompetenz und Handlungsfähigkeit im universitären Deutschunterricht in Armenien. Sprachliche Handlungsmuster und Text(sorten)kompetenz: Ein Sammelband im Rahmen der IDT, Graz University Library, Publishing, Австрия 2022, стр. 197-205 DOI:

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