About Us

Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication

Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication
About us
The Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication was founded by the Rector's Decree No 01-07/1314 of June 05, 2024 and is an innovative educational unit of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, created on the basis of the integration of humanitarian knowledge.
The following departments of the Institute contribute to obtaining humanitarian education:
Chair of Russian Language and Professional
Communication Chair of Russian and World Literature and Culture
Chair of Theory of Language and Intercultural Communication
Chair of Armenian Language and Literature

The structure of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication also includes  the Russian Language Center, the purpose of which is to form a regional and international research, educational, organizational and methodological platform for the implementation of research programs, teaching and popularization of the Russian language, the comprehensive development of scientific and cultural ties between Russia and Armenia.
The Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication ensures the implementation of the following educational programs:
45.03.01Philology(Russian sector, full-time and part-time studies).
45.03.02Linguistics(Russian sector, full-time and part-time studies).
023201026Intercultural Communication(Armenian sector, full-time and part-time studies).

Masters degree:
45.04.01 Philology:
Translation Studies (Russian sector, full-time and part-time studies).Theory and History of Russian and World Literature (Russian sector, full-time and part-time studies).
Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language. Linguoculturology (Russian sector, full-time and part-time forms of education).

Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures (Russian Sector, Full-Time).Simultaneous and Written Translation (Russian Sector, Full-time).

Postgraduate specialties of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
45.06.01 Linguistics and Literary Studies
10.01.01 Russian Literature
10.01.03 Literature of the Peoples Abroad (USA, Great Britain)
10.02.03 Slavic Languages

Postgraduate Specialties of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University,
approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia
Ժ.00.00 Philological Sciences
Ժ.01.00 Literary Studies
Ժ.01.07 Foreign Literature
Ժ.02.00 Linguistics
Ժ.02.04 Slavic Languages
Ժ.02.02 General and Comparative Linguistics
Ժ.02.06 Ancient and Modern Languages of Asia
Ժ.02.07 Romano-Germanic Languages


Institute Director

Director of the Institute

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Full Member of the International Academy of Education
Academician of the International Academy of Education (UK)

2016 – Academic title of Professor.
2015 – Doctoral dissertation defense in the specialty 13.00.02 – "Methods of teaching and education (Russian language)".
1999 – Academic title of Associate Professor.
1988 – PhD thesis defense in the specialty 13.00.02 – "Methods of Teaching and Education (Russian Language)" at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Moscow.
1985 - 1989 - Postgraduate studies in the specialty "Methods of Teaching the Russian Language" at the Yerevan State Institute of Foreign Languages after V.Y. Brusov.
1979-1984 – Faculty of Russian Language and Literature and Foreign Languages of Yerevan State University after V.Y. Brusov. Teacher of Russian language, literature and English, linguist.
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.02 – "Methods of teaching and education (Russian language)"
Specialized Council 059 "Slavic Languages" of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Armenia at YSULS after V. Brusov

2013 -2023  Dean of the Faculty of Russian and Foreign Languages, Brusov State University
2015 – 2017  Acting Head of the Department of Russian and Slavic Languages, Brusov State University (part-time)
2012-2013 Head of Master's and Postgraduate Programs at Brusov State University
2006 – 2012 – Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching Languages, Brusov State University
1999 – 2006 – Dean of the Faculty of Russian and Foreign Languages, Brusov State University
1993 - 1998 Lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching Languages, Brusov State University
1990 – 1993 – Teacher of Russian at the Yerevan State Conservatory
1984 - 1989 - Lecturer at the Department of Russian Language for Foreign Students of Yerevan State Medical University.
Since 2019, she has been teaching practical Russian at the Scientific and Training Center of the Security Service of Armenia
1998    Head of the working group on the development of the Concept "Russian Language in the System of Education and Cultural and Social Life of the Republic of Armenia". The Concept was approved by the Government of the Republic of Armenia in 1999.

1999, 2008   Head of the working group for the selection and approval of Russian language textbooks for secondary schools of the Republic of Armenia. Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Armenia.
2002   Chairman of the Admission Committee of the EG in the Russian language.      
Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Armenia.
2007-2009   Head of the working group and author of the "Standard and Program for the Russian Language for General Education and High School of the Republic of Armenia.  Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Armenia.
2007  Head of the working group and author of the development of "Tests for current control of the Russian language in general education and high school of the Republic of Armenia"
2008-2009  Expert of the Center for Assessment and Testing of the Republic of Armenia.
Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Armenia.  
2008 – 2009 – Head of the working group and author of the group for the development of "Programs and Materials for Professional Development of Russian Language Teachers of the Republic of Armenia"                 
2009 – 2011  Head of Programs at International Education Partners AM           
2011 - UNDP Armenia Education Expert
2013-2021 Expert at the European Commission and the Centre for Modern Languages, Strasbourg
20014 – 2018 – Member of the Working Group for the Selection of Candidates to Study at Russian Universities. Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan.
Since 2007, she has been an expert and trainer for advanced training of Russian language teachers in Armenian schools and teachers of universities and colleges. The trainings were held on the basis of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia, in the "House of Moscow" cultural and business center, the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan, on the basis of the V. Brusov State University and schools-centers for teacher retraining.

Under her leadership, three postgraduate students defended their PhD dissertations

Methods of teaching foreign languages
Communicative Approach in Teaching Foreign Languages
Assessment and testing
Intercultural Communication
Pedagogical Anthropology.
Modern concepts of education
Multilingual Didactics
Theoretical Foundations of Assessment and Testing
Intercultural communication.
Over the past 15 years, she has worked on the following issues:
The Concept of Development and Expansion of the Russian Language in the System of Education and Cultural and Social Life of the Republic of Armenia
Intercultural communication;
Psychological Foundations of Adult Education
Modern concepts of education;
Development of language tests for all levels of language proficiency;
Modern Theory of Evaluation;
Pedagogical anthropology;
Bilingualism and Multilingual Didactics;
Methods of teaching foreign languages;
Features of teaching Russian in Armenia;
Adult Education
Programs for teacher training courses.
Monograph: Socio-didactic and psychological
Aspects of the Development of Professional Competencies of Russian Language Teachers in the Armenian School Yerevan 2015
Textbook for students of humanitarian universities Yerevan 2015
Methodical Guides for Russian Language Teacher Development Courses in Armenian School, Yerevan 2008, 2009
Tests for current control in the Russian language Yerevan 2009
Typical tests. Russian. Yerevan Antares, 2010
Medal "For Contribution to the Implementation of State Policy in the Field of Education and Scientific and Technological Development" from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2022 No 592 k\n
Medal of the Brusov University of Languages and Social Sciences for contribution to the development of the university and the education of generations, February 4, 2020
Certificate of Award of the II degree of the British Academy of Education "For Service to Science" 2019 No 220
Gratitude from the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan 2016, 2017, 2018



Academic Council

Student Council