Diploma AD #078859, Armenian State Pedagogical University named after Kh. Abovyan. Qualification - Specialist; direction - "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology", specialty - teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology, methodologist.
Diploma AM #064731, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Russian-Armenian University. Qualification - Master; direction - "Philology. Linguistics", specialty - teacher of Russian as a foreign language and linguocultural studies;
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Russian-Armenian University, Institute of Humanities, direction - "Philological Sciences. Linguistics", specialty - "Slavic Languages", second-year applicant.
Work experience:
From 2017 to the present – teacher at the Department of Russian Language and Professional Communication at the Institute of Humanities of the Russian-Armenian University (Armenia, Yerevan);
1985-1998 – kindergarten teacher (Lithuania, Vilnius).
Specialization: linguistics, Slavic languages.
Disciplines taught:
Russian language and culture of speech.
Russian as a foreign language.
Continuing education:
November 19, 2016 – continuing education in the additional professional program “Russian language in the educational space of the CIS countries”. Completed in 24 hours (Moscow, A.S. Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language).
February 27-March 1, 2017 – continuing education for Russian language teachers in the additional professional education program “Teaching Russian as a foreign language in the modern educational environment”. Completed in 20 hours (Moscow, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia).
June-August 2017 - advanced training course "Development of an interactive electronic training course in the MOODLE system". Completed in 64 hours (Yerevan, Russian-Armenian University).
March 14-16, 2018 - advanced training for teachers of Russian as a foreign language, under the program "World systems of linguodidactic testing and language teaching: methods and technologies". Completed in 34 hours (Moscow, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia).
Advanced training courses on the additional professional program "Topical issues of modern linguistics", for university teachers, postgraduate students and master's students. - Yerevan, RA
30.09. – 10/03/2019 Document on advanced training, in the amount of 36 academic hours
Methodological seminar (within the framework of the educational and enlightening expedition of the International Volunteer Program "Ambassadors of the Russian Language in the World") - Yerevan, RA, RAU - Moscow, RF, A.S. Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language 12/07. – 12/15/2019
Advanced training of teachers of Russian as a foreign language. A series of webinars of St. Petersburg State University for teachers of TRKI - St. Petersburg, RF, St. Petersburg State University, Volume - 12 webinars 04/02. - 05/01. 2020
Advanced training of teachers of Russian as a foreign language. Series of webinars of St. Petersburg State University and Rossotrudnichestvo - St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg State University, Volume - 15 webinars 11.05. - 02.06. 2020
Advanced training of teachers of Russian as a foreign language. Project "Scientific and methodological vector of Russian studies": webinars and master classes - Moscow, Russian Federation ADPO "Institute of Continuous Education",
In the amount of 16 academic hours, November 2020
Advanced training of teachers of Russian as a foreign language. Project "Russistics without borders" in the Republic of Uzbekistan - Moscow, Russian Federation, RSU im. A.N.Kosygina,
Video lectures and master classes, December 2020
International webinar "Using information technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language" - Yerevan, RA, RAU May 2021
Kostomarovsky Forum, Certificate ID 1419 - Moscow, FGBOU VO "GIRYA named after A.S. Pushkin" May 2021
Russian language in the educational space of Armenia - Yerevan, RA - Pyatigorsk, RF November 2021
"Current issues of Russian studies" (Creation of an educational quest on RKI) - Yerevan, RA October 2021
"Russian language as a tool for professional mobility: traditions and innovations" - MP RF, Moscow - Yerevan, RA Document on advanced training, 72 hours November 2021
"Russian cultural space through the prism of language" - Moscow, FGBOU VO "Institute of Continuous Education" November 2021
"Russian language in the global scientific and educational space" - Moscow, FGBOU VO "GIRYA im. A.S. Pushkin" December 2021
"Basic principles of testing: how are Cambridge tests created?" - Cambridge Assessment English
February 2022
A series of webinars "Young audience of the 21st century: teaching reading and information processing" - St. Petersburg, Center for Language Testing of St. Petersburg State University April-May 2022
"The concept of teaching Russian as a foreign language at RAU", a scientific and methodological seminar - Yerevan, RA June 2022
"Innovative and information technologies in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language" - Yerevan, RA Advanced training courses, 16 hours in June 2022
International project "Cultural and educational navigator in the world of the Russian language", a participant in the project events - Moscow, Association of Continuing Professional Education "
Scientific interests
- Linguistics
- Cognitive linguistics
- Linguistic pragmatics
- Psycholinguistics
List of publications
- Акопян Л.С. Образ «интеллигенции»: функционирование концепта «интеллигенция» в языковой картине мира в советский период (1941 – 1993 гг.) // Проблемы современной русистики / Научно-методический журнал АГПУ им. Х. Абовяна.− Ереван: Издательство редакции АГПУ им. Х. Абовяна, 2017. − №3. − с. 85−93.
- Акопян Л.С. Возникновение понятия «интеллигенция» в русской действительности // XII Годичная Научная Конференция Российско-Армянского университета, посвященная 20-летию основания Российско-Армянского университета // Сборник научных статей. − Ереван: Издательство РАУ, 2017. − (в печати)
- Акопян Л.С. Образ «интеллигенции»: функционирование концепта «интеллигенция» в языковой картине мира в постсоветском пространстве // Русский язык на перекрестке эпох: традиции и инновации в русистике // III Международная научно-практическая конференция, посвященная 20-летию РАУ / Сборник научных статей. − Ереван: Издательство РАУ, 2018. − с. 37−45.
- Акопян Л.С. Концепт «интеллигенция» в дискурсе основателя советского проекта // IV Международная научно-методическая конференция «Проблемы модернизации современного высшего образования: лингвистические аспекты // Омский автобронетанковый инженерный институт / // Сборник трудов конференции. − Омск: ООО «Издательство Ипполитова», 2018. с. 5−9.
- Акопян Л.С. Генезис и эволюция концепта «интеллигенция» от античности до классической философии // Русский язык в Армении / Журнал Национального института образования РА. − Ереван, 2018. (в печати)
- Лексико-семантическое поле концепта «интеллигенция» в зеркальном отражении сборника «Вехи»
- «Своя собственная интеллигенция»: дискурсивное поле концепта «интеллигенция» по-сталински
- Проблемы образования на постсоветском пространстве и степень их отраженности в СМИ (сравнительный анализ РА и РФ)
- «Функционирование концепта «интеллигенция» в русской языковой картине мира начала XX века».
- Языковые средства трактовки образа советской интеллигенции в контексте эволюционного развития лингвокультурного концепта «интеллигенция»
- Лексико-семантическая репрезентация концепта «интеллигенция» в дискурсе современных СМИ
- Трансформация концепта интеллигенция: от классических терминов к новым идентичностям
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