1999–2001 – Faculty of Russian Philology, Yerevan State University, Master's degree.
1995–1999 – Faculty of Russian Philology, Yerevan State University, Bachelor's degree.
Work experience:
Since 2009 – Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Professional Communication (Russian-Armenian University).
2012–2015 – Teacher of Russian Language and Literature (Ayb High School).
2012–2013 – Deputy Head of the Department of Russian Language and Professional Communication (Russian-Armenian University).
2009–2012 – Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language, Associate Professor of the Department of General Linguistics and Communication (Yerevan State Linguistic University named after V. Bryusov).
2007–2009 – Lecturer in the Russian Language Department (V. Bryusov Yerevan State Linguistic University).
2006–2012 - Head of the "Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language" Section (V. Bryusov Yerevan State Linguistic University).
10/2010–05/2012 - Head of Master's and Postgraduate Education Programs (V. Bryusov Yerevan State Linguistic University).
2003–2009 - Lecturer in the Russian Language Department (Russian-Armenian University).
03/2005–02/2007 - Research Fellow at the Institute of Russian Literature (Russian-Armenian University).
Specialization: Russian language, linguistics.
Courses taught:
Introduction to Linguistics (Bachelor's degree);
General linguistics (bachelor's degree);
Russian as a foreign language (bachelor's degree);
Information technologies in modern education and research (master's degree);
The latest technologies for teaching Russian as a foreign language (master's degree);
Methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language (master's degree).
Advanced training:
"Modern pedagogical practices and information culture of a Russian language teacher" Faculty of Advanced Training. Peoples' Friendship Institute ( Moscow, Russia - 6.10 - 20.11.2024 )
"Focus on Reading: Engaging Activities and Resources for all levels" (©2024 LANGUAGECERT24 October 2024)
Additional professional program "Faculty of Advanced Studies "Digital Teacher Workshop" Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language ( Moscow, Russia 27.06 - 1.07.2022 )
Eco-emotions and action skills // EduGems Online Academy.( Finland 01.11.2022)
"Russian Cultural Space through the Prism of Language" (Russia 20-21 November 2021)
An effective framework for problem-solving in the classroom (Online digital summit 12.14.2021) Promoting Creativity in Digital Learning (British Consul 25.02.21)
14/03/2018–16/03/2018 Faculty of advanced training for teachers of Russian as a foreign language "Best world practices in teaching and testing foreign languages" Institute of Friendship of Peoples (Moscow, Russia)
27/02/2017–01/03/2017 Faculty of advanced training "Teaching Russian as a foreign language in a modern educational environment" Institute of Friendship of Peoples (Moscow, Russia)
01/10/2016–28/10/2016 Faculty of advanced training "Russian language and education in Russian" Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language (Moscow, Russia)
23/07/2014–28/07/2014 "Integration exam in the Russian language, history and basics of legislation: Institute of Friendship of Peoples (Moscow, Russia)
06/23/2014–06/29/2014 Advanced training at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia under the additional education program “Methodology of linguodidactic testing (elementary, basic, 1 certification levels) in testing the Russian language for persons applying for Russian citizenship and labor migrants Peoples’ Friendship Institute (Moscow, Russia)
Awards: Best teacher 2017 (Russian-Armenian University).