YSU, major "Russian Language and Literature" (bachelor's degree) 1996-2000
YSU, major "Russian Language and Literature" (master's degree) 2000-2002
Diploma of awarding the academic degree of candidate of philological sciences, 2011
Advanced training:
Innovative and information technologies in the methods of teaching Russian, RAU, 2024
Interactive scientific and methodological seminar "Modern approaches to the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language", RAU, 2024
Innovative and information technologies in the methods of teaching Russian. Advanced training courses, RAU, 2022
Work experience: 24 years
Taught disciplines:
Practical course of the Russian language
Linguocultural studies
Awards, grants
2020–2022, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 20-012-00284, "Psycholinguistic study of the emotionality of educational texts (formation of the emotion of interest)"
2020–2023, State assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, project FZNM-2020-0005 "Transformation of human cognitive and communicative activity in the context of the modern information environment"
2024, State assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, project FZNM-2024-0003, "Comprehensive study of cognitive-emotional and linguistic factors of human communicative activity in the modern educational context"
2024 - present, member of the Interdisciplinary Association for Cognitive Studies (IACS)
Scientific interests
- psycholinguistics
- pragmatics
- tectonics
- functional grammar
- emotiology
List of publications
- Trushchelev, P. N., Petrenko, E. V., Piotrovskaya, L. A. (2023). Conceptualizing emotions through discourse: a pragmatic view on the reader's interest. Slovo.ru: Baltic Accent, 14(2), 93–114.
- Trushchelev, P. N. (2023). Emotive pragmatics of popularisation discourse: the impact of contextualisation on reader's interest. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 22(1), 173–185.
- Трущелёв, П. Н. (2022). Грамматика учебного текста и предметные знания (пресуппозиция).Сибирский филологический журнал, (4), 312–325.
- Piotrovskaya, L. A., Trushchelev, P. N., (2022). Communicating recipient’s emotions: Text-triggered interest. Training, Language and Culture, 6(1), 60–74
- Пиотровская, Л. А., Трущелёв, П. Н., (2021). Эмоциогенность риторической организации учебного текста: проблемное изложение (лингвистический аспект). Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Язык и литература, 18(4), 792–809
- Пиотровская, Л. А., Трущелёв, П. Н., (2020). Что делает текст интересным? Языковые способы повышения эмоциогенности учебных текстов. Russian Journal of Linguistic, 24(4), 991–1016
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