Department of Russian Language and Professional Communication

About chair

The Chair of the Russian Language was founded in 2000. Initially, it functioned as a department of the Russian language and literature.
With the expansion of the university, the emergence of new departments and given the need to intensify and improve the methods of teaching the Russian language for all specialties of RAU, the Russian Language Chair was separated from other specialties and in 2004 was made into a general chair serving the entire University.
With the opening of the Department of Philology in 2007, the Chair became part of the Department, but retained its function of serving the entire University. In 2008, the Chair was reorganized into the Chair of the Russian Language and Professional Communication. Currently, the Chair is a scientific and educational subdivision of the RAU Institute of Humanities. The current head of the department is Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Karen Hakobyan.
The Chair has a permanent scientific and pedagogical relationship with the Moscow Lomonosov State University, the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and other universities of the Russian Federation. The Chair regularly conducts scientific and methodological seminars, acting as a leading organization in the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.
The main goal and objectives of the Chair is the development of an effective educational methodology aimed, on the one hand, at introducing and improving the ways and methods of teaching the Russian language through the values ​​of Russian culture, and, on the other hand, comprehension of the Russian national culture through and by means of the Russian language.
Main scientific and methodical directions of the Chair:

  • relevant problems of the study of the Russian language and culture;
  • methods of teaching the Russian language (both as a native language and as foreign);
  • modern information technologies in teaching and research of the Russian language and culture;
  • comparative and typological study of languages;
  • linguistic pragmatics and communicative linguistics;
  • modern testology: techniques and procedures for objective measurement of the level of Russian language proficiency.



Hakobyan Karen

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor



  1. 08/03/2009 - scientific knowledge of an associate professor in the specialty "Linguistics". The decision of the Scientific Council of Yerevan State University of June 18, 2009, approved by the Higher Certification Commission.
  2. October 28, 2005 - candidate's thesis defense on "Semantics, syntax and pragmatics of Russian logical-modal particles (only on material and even)" 02.10.04 "Slavic languages" specialty at the meeting of the Slavic specialized council. languages ​​059 YSU Higher Certification Commission. V. Ya. Brusova.
  3. 1999 - 2001 - Master's degree of YSU Faculty of Russian Philology, Master's degree in philological pedagogy with the specialty "Russian language and literature".
  4. 1994 - 1999 - Bachelor of YSU Faculty of Russian Philology, Bachelor of Philology majoring in Russian language and literature. Advanced training.
  5. 14.03.2018-03.16.2018 - advanced training courses "Global systems of linguistics testing and language teaching. methods and technologies" with an additional professional training program (People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Mikluho-Maklaya str., 6.).
  6. 13.11.2017-11.17.2017 - advanced training courses "Linguistics testing methodology (theory and technology) with an additional professional training program within the framework of the Russian state system for testing citizens of foreign countries (elementary, basic, I certification levels). Russian language testing of applicants for Russian citizenship. Comprehensive examination of Russian as a foreign language, history of Russia and basics of legislation of the Russian Federation for foreign workers (module "Russian language"), UPD 16 002941 (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Mikluho-Maklaya St., 6.).
  7. 07.11.2017-08.11.2017 - advanced training courses in the additional program "Humanitarian cooperation in the aspect of intercultural communication", No. 772700001988 Russian Language Institute. A.S. Pushkin, Moscow, str. Academician Volgina, 6.).
  8. June-August 2017 - advanced training courses with the additional professional program "Development of an interactive e-learning course in the Moodle system" (Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University, Yerevan, Hovsep Emini St., 123).
  9. 02/27/2017-03/01/2017 - advanced training courses with additional professional training program "Teaching Russian as a foreign language in a modern educational environment", UPD 16 002602 (People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya St., 6 .)
  10. January-March 2017: English training course (Level C1 - Speaking, reading) (Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University, Yerevan, Hovsep Emini str., 123).
  11. 21.11.2016-23.11.2016 - advanced training courses "Modern issues of implementation of educational programs in Russian" with an additional professional educational program (A.S. Pushkin Russian Language Institute, Moscow, Akademika Volgina St., 6.).
  12. 06/23/2014-06/28/2014 - advanced training courses "Examination of the integration of the basics of the Russian language, Russian history and legislation of the Russian Federation. conceptual bases, methods and technologies of teacher training" with additional professional training program", UPC 14 011596 (People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Mikluho-Maklaya St., 6.).
  13. 07/22/2013-08/11/2013 - successful examination of the Bulgarian language at the C2 level according to the Common European Language Framework at the International Center for Bulgarian Studies, Veliko Tarnovo University, St. Petersburg. Cyril and Methodius, Bulgaria.
  14. 01/21/2013-01/29/2013 - advanced training courses with the "Linguistic testing" program; certificate No. 10940, which gives the right to conduct testing on the RKI of foreign citizens and LBG for the admission of citizenship of the Russian Federation and migrant workers; certificate No. 11130, which gives the right to conduct testing of foreign citizens in the Russian language within the framework of the Russian state testing system (elementary, basic, level 1 of the system) (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Miklukho). - Maklaya St., No. 6).
  15. 05.11.2012-18.05.2012 - advanced training courses for teachers of Russian language and Russian literature (St. Petersburg Foreign Relations Committee and "Zlatoust" educational and publishing center, St. Petersburg).

The experience.

  1. August 2012 - present - manager. Russian-Armenian University, Chair of Russian Language and Professional Communication (03.01.2019: Acting Professor) of the Russian-Armenian University.
  2. 2005 September - 2013 August: Associate Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Theory of Communication at YSU. V. Ya. Brusovan.
  3. September 2002 - August 2012: Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Linguistics, Typology and Communication Theory of Yerevan State University.

Subjects taught.

  1. Old Church Slavonic (Bachelor's degree, "Philology");
  2. Historical grammar of the Russian language (Bachelor's degree, "Philology");
  3. History of the Russian literary language (Bachelor's degree, "Philology");
  4. Modern Russian language (Syntax) (Bachelor's degree, "Philology")
  5. Introduction to communication theory (Bachelor's degree, "Philology");
  6. Fundamentals of linguistics (Bachelor's degree, "Linguistics");
  7. Linguistic pragmatics (Master's degree, "Philology");
  8. General linguistics and history of linguistic doctrines (Master's degree, "Linguistics");
  9. Text linguistics (Master's degree, "Philology")
  10. History of linguistic doctrines (Master's degree, "Philology");
  11. Semantics and pragmatics of service parts of speech (Master's degree, "Philology").

File information


Hakobyan Karen

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Misisyan Serine

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Petrosyan Liana

Candidate of Philological Sciences, lecturer

Akopyan Larisa


Sarkisyan Arshak

Candidate of Philological Sciences

Sarkisyan Inna

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Hovhannisyan Tamara

Ph.D., lecturer

Tunyan Seda

Candidate of Philological Sciences, lecturer

Vahramyan Gayane

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Hakopyan Armen


Grigoryan Karine

Senior Lecturer

Derdzyan Adrine

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Dashyan Naira

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
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